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Metal News: Goatwhore Doing Rather Well
Heavy News
Goatwhore‘s latest album, Vengeful Ascension which was released back end of June via Metal Blade Records has done rather well. Climbing various charts upon its first week of release and earning the No.4 spot on Billboard’s Heatseeker albums chart.

As well as the above said album reached No.6 on the Hard Rock Album Sales chart, No.16 on the Hard Rock Albums chart, No.11 on the Independent Albums chart, No.18 on the Rock Album Sales chart, No.49 on the Top 200 Current Albums chart and No.59 on the Top 200 Albums chart, making it the band’s highest charting album to-date.
In Canada, the record was met with equal accolades, debuting at No.19 on the Hard Music chart and No.145 on the Top Albums chart.

No figures as yet for the European side of the pond but top bananas none the less.

Posted on Wednesday, July 12 @ 10:39:58 EEST by necrophaige

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