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Upcoming Releases: Darkyra Black new single & video 'Tears by Candlelight'
heartborne tells us:
Darkyra Black, the musical vision of one woman, a vision made reality with the completion of some of europe's best musicians. For those not familiar with Darkyra Black, she takes the best parts of female fronted symphonic metal and bends it to her will with her beautiful soaring melodies. Upon first listen you may liken it to industry greats such as Within Temptation or even Tarja (ex-Nightwish) but in doing so you wouldn't even come close. Very few women in the industry are able to weave music in such as way as Darkyra and make music her own muse. Latest video clip "Tears By Candlelight" proved just that when it took over Youtube with over 30000 views in less than a week. Unfortunately, resulting in an A-typical corporate response to flag it and remove the video. Still, the video has been reintroduced to demonstrate the untapped talent that Darkyra demonstrates and melodies that she bends to her own style. The single will feature on the upcoming 'Dragon Tears' concept album.