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Neurosis Eleventh Album on the Way
Upcoming Releases It is said that great art has the power to take us outside of ourselves and bring us closer to ourselves simultaneously. Few bands have accomplished this rare feat on a more profound and consistent basis than Neurosis. For nearly three decades, their music has touched the hearts and minds of young men and women seeking contact with something beyond the physical world, something intangible, something that expresses the inner tumult of the human condition in a way that transcends time and space. Something that not only provokes questions but maybe even hints at answers.
Since 1985 this matchless force has surpassed the boundaries of any genre, never ceasing to mutate and progress their song writing and sonic delivery, and never failing to mesmerize audiences both in the studio and onstage. And as the anticipation from their diehard fan base reaches a boiling point, this week Neurosis unveil the title of their eleventh full-length studio creation, which will manifest itself as Honour Found In Decay.
The follow-up to their acclaimed 2007-released Given To The Rising album, the music on Honour Found In Decay is both torturous and transcendent. It is the ongoing exposition of a vast internal dialogue that seems to carry the weight of eons. With the right kind of ears and eyes, it can seem like the trials and tribulations of mankind are being channelled through five individuals: Steve Von Till, Scott Kelly, Noah Landis, Jason Roeder and Dave Edwardson. And yet? They will be the first ones to tell you that they are just regular people trying to make sense of the world around them. Aided by Josh Graham, their resident visual guru, they transmit their interpretations through multiple sensory planes. The degree to which Neurosis allows them to step out of their everyday lives is the distance between one and zero, the distance between thinking and doing, the distance between this minute and the one that may or may not follow. Which is to say: Neurosis takes them outside of themselves and brings them closer to themselves.

Posted on Thursday, August 16 @ 22:20:10 EEST by necrophaige

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