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Upcoming Releases: And the Murder Mystery Continues
Upcoming Releases
Children of Bodom's eighth studio album, Halo of Blood, will be released on 11th June in North America via Nuclear Blast Records. The cover art was created by Sami Saramäki, who was responsible for the artwork on previous Children of Bodom albums Follow The Reaper, Are You Dead Yet? and Hate Crew Deathroll. Children of Bodom's new CD was recorded at Danger Johnny Studios in Helsinki. For the recording of the LP, Children of Bodom has teamed up with recording engineer Mikko Karmila, who worked with the band on their fan-favorite albums Hatebreeder, Follow The Reaper and Hate Crew Deathroll, as well as Swedish producer Peter Tägtgren (Marduk, Amon Amarth), who oversaw production of both vocals and keyboards on the record. The album was mixed at Finnvox Studios in Helsinki.

Posted on Wednesday, April 24 @ 15:22:55 EEST by necrophaige

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